rmdir Linux Command – Codegemma AI Model

rmdir Linux Command – Codegemma AI Model


The rmdir command in Linux is used to remove empty directories. It stands for “remove directory.”


rmdir directory_name


  • -v: Verbose mode, displays messages about each deleted directory.
  • -i: Interactive mode, prompts for confirmation before deleting directories.
  • -r: Recursive mode, deletes empty subdirectories as well.


1. Remove an empty directory:

rmdir my_empty_directory

2. Remove an empty directory recursively:

rmdir -r my_recursive_directory

3. Remove an empty directory with verbose output:

rmdir -v my_verbose_directory

4. Remove an empty directory with interactive confirmation:

rmdir -i my_interactive_directory

Additional Notes:

  • The rmdir command can only delete empty directories. If a directory is not empty, it will not be deleted.
  • Using rmdir -r with a non-empty directory will result in an error.
  • The rmdir command cannot delete files.

Technical Details:

  • The rmdir command uses the unlink() system call to delete directories.
  • It changes the directory tree by removing directory entries in the inode table.

Security Considerations:

  • Deleting directories with rmdir can lead to data loss.
  • It is important to confirm the directory name before deleting it.


The rmdir command is a versatile tool for removing empty directories in Linux. It is important to use it responsibly and with caution to avoid data loss.

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