file Linux Command – Codegemma AI Model

file Linux Command – Codegemma AI Model


The file command in Linux is used to determine the file type of a file or directory. It provides information about the file’s contents, such as its file type, magic number, and file attributes.


file [file1] [file2] ...


  • -b, –brief: Prints only the file type, without any additional information.
  • -i, –index: Prints the file index instead of the file name.
  • -L, –dereference: Follows symbolic links to determine the file type of the target file.
  • -T, –test: Tests whether a file is of a certain type.
  • –mime: Prints the MIME type of a file.


$ file hello.txt
hello.txt: text file

$ file -b hello.txt

$ file -L hello.txt
hello.txt: symbolic link to actual_file.txt

$ file --mime hello.txt

Additional Notes:

  • The file command can be used to identify various file types, including text files, binary files, archives, and symlinks.
  • The output of the file command is not always accurate, especially for files with unusual or unknown contents.
  • The file command can be used for security purposes, such as identifying malicious files.

Technical Details:

  • The file command uses a database of magic numbers to identify file types.
  • Magic numbers are unique sequences of bytes that are used to identify specific file types.
  • The file command also uses other information, such as the file’s size and permissions.

Security Considerations:

  • The file command can be used to enumerate files and directories, which can be used for reconnaissance purposes.
  • The output of the file command can be used to identify files that may be malicious.


The file command is a versatile tool that can be used to determine the file type of files and directories. It is an essential command for system administrators and security professionals.

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